To construct a single storey discount foodstore (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of 1,550.5 sq.m. (net retail area 1,140 sq.m.). The development includes the erection of 2 no. free standing double sided internally illuminated pole signs, 1 no. internally illuminated gable sign and entrance glass signage. The proposed development will be served by 94 no. car parking spaces and 8 no. bicycle stands. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from the Bailieborough Relief Road. The proposed development includes all landscaping, boundary treatments and site development works on the 0.83 hectare site. This site is at the junction of the R165 and the Bailieborough Relief Road which connects the R165 and R178.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Cavan Granted permission on 2014-03-13 take the free trial here.