Construct a residential development at Aghnaharna, Portlaoise Co. Laois on a 0.49ha site ( 1.2 acre), within lands previously permitted under Reg Ref : 99/1404. The site is bounded by the Portlaoise Southern Circular road to the east, and by the existing residential development, Aghnaharna Drive to the north and west, and by lands subject to a current planning application reg ref.: 18/450 to the south. The development will consist of the removal of 6 partially constructed houses , the completion of the access road previously permitted and the provision of the following – 14 no two-storey houses in the following mix, 8 no. three -bedroom semi-detached type A units, 4 no. four-bedroom semi-detached type B units and 2 no. two-bedroom semi-detached Type C units together with all associated site development / car parking / landscaping / boundary detail works. Public Open Space to serve these units has been provided as part of the previously approved application.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Laois Applied for on 6th September 2018 take the free trial here.