Permission for extensions and alterations to existing embassy building and ancillary structures within the Embassy grounds. The new works will consist of demolition of existing single storey recreation building and single storey diplomatic couriers building, retention of existing Embassy building with internal and external alterations, and extension to side and rear of 2 / 3 storey over basement new Embassy structure with ancillary recreation rooms and diplomatic couriers accommodation (5019 sq.m. additional); Demolition of existing consular building and construction of new single storey consular building with part basement (357 sq.m.) to new location adjacent to Orwell Road including formation of new 1 metre wide pedestrian access gate; replace existing street railings with new increased height railings over retained boundary wall to match existing; replace existing railings over internal site boundary walls with new increased height railings; relocation of existing Flagpole; new single storey electrical substation and ancillary switch rooms (62 sq.m.) including formation of new 3 meters wide access gate onto Orwell Road; new single storey incoming mail building (19 sq.m.); minor alterations and revised internal layout and new pitched roof to existing 2 storey staff accommodation (7.5 sq.m. additional); 2 no. 3 storey (with part basement) staff accommodation buildings (865 sq.m. each); each providing 8 no. self contained units, common laundry, games, storage rooms etc.; underground car parking for 23 cars with above ground access building, store rooms, electrical generator rooms and ancillary service areas (952 sq.m. internal); Partially underground water storage tanks (fire fighting and potable water supplies) and ancillary pump rooms (178 sq.m.); refuse storage enclosure; relocation of existing tennis and volleyball courts, formation of new playground, new landscaping layout including revised vehicular circulation routes within the site.
To find out more details on this Public Building Development in Dublin Started on 2018-05-15 take the free trial here.