28 May 2021 Construction commenced of 8No Dwellings in One Three/Two storey Block at 37-51(Odd) Kilcarbery Grange
25 May 2021 Construction commenced of 16No Two Storey Dwellings at 2-12 (Even) and 1-19 (Odd) Hawthorn Place
21 May 2021 Construction commenced of 21 No Two and Three Storey Dwellings at 53-59 (Odd) Kilcarbery Grange Ave, 8 No Duplex units in one Four Storey Block at 15-22 Rowan Walk & 22No Dwellings at 1-14 Rowan Walk, 1-11 (Odd) Rowan Park and 3-5 (Odd) Rowan View
18 May 2021 Construction commenced of 37 Residential Units (Apartment Block 7) in A Six Storey Building at 1-37 Northgate Hall & 37 Residential Units (Apartment Block 6) in A Six Storey Building at 1-37 Southgate Hall
The proposed development subject of this Strategic Housing Development Planning Application will generally comprise: –
• 1,034 no. units (578 no. houses, 154 no. duplex / apartments and 302 no. apartments) ranging from 2 to 6 storeys, comprising the following: –
• 578no. own door houses, including: –
o 449no. 3-bed 2-storey houses (House Type A, A1, A2, B, C, D, G & H).
o 31no. 4-bed 2-storey houses (House Type E & J).
o 98no. 4-bed 3-storey houses (House Type F & F1).
• 154no. own door duplex / apartments, in 3 to 4-storey buildings, including: –
o 41no. 1-bed duplex / apartments (Type M1 & M2).
o 49no. 2-bed duplex / apartments (Type K, N1 & N2).
o 64no. 3-bed duplex / apartments (Type L, L1, L2 & L3).
• 302no. apartment units accommodated in 9no. 4 to 6-storey buildings (with own door access ground floor apartments), including: –
o Block 1 accommodating 29no. apartments (6no. 1-beds, 18no. 2-beds and 5no. 3 beds).
o Block 2 accommodating 24no. apartments (4no. 1-beds, 15no. 2-beds and 5no. 3 beds).
o Block 3 accommodating 30no. apartments (13no. 1-beds and 17no. 2-beds).
o Block 4 accommodating 30no. apartments (13no. 1-beds and 17no. 2-beds).
o Block 5 accommodating 45no. apartments (12no. 1-beds, 22no. 2-beds and 11no. 3- beds).
o Block 6 accommodating 37no. apartments (16no. 1-beds and 21no. 2-beds).
o Block 7 accommodating 37no. apartments (16no. 1-beds and 21no. 2-beds) – Temporary creche at ground floor level to revert 7no. residential units on completion of permanent purpose-built creche in Phase 3.
o Block 8 accommodating 33no. apartments (5no. 1-beds, 23no. 2-beds and 5no. 3-beds).
o Block 9 accommodating 37no. apartments (16no. 1-beds and 21no. 2-beds).
• Private rear gardens are provided for all houses. Private patios / terraces and balconies are provided for all duplex and apartment units. Upper level balconies are proposed on elevations of all multi-aspect duplex and apartment buildings.
• Ancillary uses including the provision of 1 no. retail unit (c. 178 sq. m) and community building (c. 785 sq. m).
• 1no. temporary creche (c. 557 sq. m gross floor area in lieu of 7no. ground floor apartment units in Block 7 pending construction of permanent creche at Grange Square)
• 1no. permanent creche building at Grange Square (c. 909 sq. m gross floor area).
• New vehicular access from Outer Ring Road / Grange Castle Road (R136) to the west (left in and left out arrangement) and 2no. new vehicular access points onto Old Nangor Road (L5254)
to the north and associated re-alignment of existing adjoining roadways.
• New street network, including spine road (c. 6m in width) extending from Outer Ring Road / Grange Castle Road (R136) to the west onto Old Nangor Road (L5254) to the north.
• New pedestrian and cycle path network.
• Provision of Public Open Space (c. 4.6 Ha) including: –
o Oak Green Space (c. 7,453 sq. m).
o Lime Green Space (c. 6,646 sq. m).
o Grange Square (c. 2,606 sq. m).
• Provision of surface water attenuation measures (SuDs).
• Wastewater pumping station including 18hr storage tank and associated infrastructure.
• 1,510 no. surface car parking spaces.
• 1,105 no. covered bicycle parking spaces.
• Communal bin storage for all terraced houses, duplex / apartment and apartment blocks.
• All associated and ancillary site development, infrastructural, landscaping and boundary treatment works including bin storage.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 18th May 2021 take the free trial here.