Construction of Biofuel facility comprising of a part 3 storey and part single storey commercial building with a total floor area of 1771m2, covered truck filling / unloading area. Pipe bridge and tank farm storage area. The overall building height is 14 metres with solar panels on the roof. The maximum height of any storage tank is 12 metres and the boiler room chimney is 15 metres. Extension of the existing Kish Business Park access road, footpaths, drainage and water supply to serve the subject site. New internal roads, footpaths, 21 no. car parking spaces, 10 no. cycle parking spaces and parking and circulation areas for 10 no. trucks; 2 no. vehicular entrances, pedestrian access, boundary treatment and landscaping, ESB substation and new underground foul and storm water drainage system for the site including rainwater harvesting, attenuation pond, full retention oil interceptor and associated works. The application site area is 1.6 hectares. An Environment Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared and will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the planning application.

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Wicklow Applied for on 2021-06-04 take the free trial here.

Kish Business Park

Plans Applied

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