A 10 year permission for development comprising of; the construction of a 2 to 4 storey academic building of c. 10,554m2 gross floor area, deliverable in one or two phases; phase 1 (c. 5,287m2) comprising two lecture theatres and public foyer, teaching spaces, seminar and collaboration spaces, café (c.192m2), exhibition spaces, meeting rooms, enclosed and open plan offices, breakout spaces, PV panels and roof level plant, and Phase 2 (5,267m2) comprising one lecture theatre, teaching spaces, seminar and collaboration spaces, research reading rooms, exhibition spaces, meeting rooms, enclosed and open plan offices, break out spaces, PV panels and roof level plant; 60no. bicycle parking spaces; all arranged around a new courtyard with associated landscaping and site development works on a site (c.1.17ha) located south of the existing Science Building, on a portion of the existing campus ring road and adjacent to the access point to the north campus from the Kilcock Road, Maynooth
The Works Contractor contract defined as the Academic Building New Construction comprises the new construction of 10,554m2 accommodation which may be delivered across a single or two phases. Phase 1 is circa 5,287 m2 which provides for teaching spaces predominantly on ground and first floors with offices, reading and support spaces on second and third floors. Enclosed plant space is located at fourth floor. The main objective of the competition is the Phase 1, with the option to proceed with Phase 2, subject to approval.Phase 2 is circa 5,267 m2 which provides teaching spaces predominantly on ground and first floors office and reading areas spread over the three upper floors.
To find out more details on this University Development in Kildare Started on 19th August 2019 take the free trial here.