For development of a licenced discount foodstore measuring 0.6634 hectares. The proposed development comprises: completion of demolition of existing cash & carry buildings measuring approx. 1,684 sq.m. and the demolition of 2 existing habitable dwellings and out buildings totalling approximately 312 sq.m.; the construction of a single storey, part mono-pitch part flat roofed, discount foodstore with ancillary off-licence sales measuring 1,875 sq.m. gross floor space with a net retail sales area of 1,270 sq.m. and associated building mounted and freestanding advertisement and informational signage; the provision of a surface car park comprising 92 no. Parking spaces, a new vehicular entrance, pedestrian accesses including new pedestrian link to adjoining public car park, boundary treatments, cycle parking, bottle bank, hard and soft landscaping, lighting, refrigeration and air conditioning plant and equipment, connections to drainage and water services and all other ancillary and and associated works.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Mayo Started on 2015-09-14 take the free trial here.