Intend to apply for planning permission for amendments to the development permitted under reg. Ref. : FW17a/0074 at Blanchardstown Town Centre, Coolmine, Dublin 15. The application site relates to the central mall (also known as Green Mall) area of the Blanchardstown centre, including existing unit numbers 114, 115/116, 206, 208, 211 and 212, and includes the adjacent service yard and part of the surface car park.

The proposed modifications to the permitted central mall scheme (Reg. Ref. : FW17A/0074), will consist of the omission of level three, to provide a two level extension of the central mall, with a proposed reduction in the total additional gfa from 2,901 sq. M to 1,486 sq. M. The proposal results in an additional gross retail area of 1,419 sq. M, consisting of 746 sq. M at level 1 (unit 114/116) and 673 sq.M at level 2 (unit 206, 208, 211-212). A screened tenant plant area is proposed at roof level.

The proposed development includes part infill of the service yard area and provision of an extended service yard with all associated structures, the removal of 46 no. car parking spaces, the provision of 16 no. bicycle parking spaces, associated landscaping and boundary treatments, and all associated development works.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-09-07 take the free trial here.

Central Mall (Also Known As Green Mall)

Plans Granted

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