A storage and distribution centre for new imported vehicles with a total capacity for 5,951 no. Vehicles and comprises vehicle storage, internal circulation roadways, vehicle loading and unloading area and transporter parking spaces.
The surface treatment of the vehicle storage areas comprises of recycled plastic modular porous paving. Associated facilities include a vehicle wash area, fuelling area and valet enclosure (approx. 120 sq. M.).
The development also includes a vehicle inspection and fit outbuilding (approx. 2656 sq.M. And 9.14m high) incorporating operation control room, offices, meeting room, canteen, toilets, plant area and building signage.
Other site development works include 1 no. Security hut (11 sq.M); staff car parking (28 no. Spaces) and staff bicycle parking spaces (14 no. Spaces); boundary treatments including landscape berm and boundary fence over wall (approx. 3.33m high) new primary gated vehicular entrance onto the r135; emergency gated vehicular entranc
To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-10-22 take the free trial here.