Alterations to development permitted under 06/11346 comprising the refurbishment & extension of Douglas Village Shopping Centre consisting of reconfiguration, partial demolition & reconstruction of Unit 80 with reduction of 129sqm to permitted ground floor retail area, removal of South East entrance, construction of 2no. internal stair cores, provision of new mezzanine floor level (811 sqm), raised roof level with pitched roof & rooflight at Unit 80, new glazed roof to part existing mall; Provision of new gated external yard south of unit 80 and consequent revised treatment of external landscape; repositioning of southern wall of permitted units 76, 76A, 77 & 78 in a northerly direction; reconfiguration of permitted units 76, 76A, 77, 78 & 79 to form up to six retail units A,B,C,D,E and F; provision of new mezzanine floors over proposed units A,B,C,D,E, & F, proposed escape corridor, and part of unit 80 for retail, storage & ancillary uses, sub-dividable in up to five units up to a gross floor area of 950sqm and consequent adjustment of existing roof height; consequent elevational changes including provision of sloped golden oak coloured cladding to upper part of proposed southern wall to proposed units A,B,C,D,E, & F , provision of new escape corridor to the south of proposed unit F , omission of 2no. permitted switch rooms to southern service yard. The proposal will increase the gross floor space of the centre by 1632sqm & increase the retail floor space therein by 1615sqm, extension of duration to permission granted under Planning Ref. No. 08/9491
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Cork Granted permission on 2014-04-28 take the free trial here.