Square Foot Property Services Limited, intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a strategic housing development at a site located at the Glen Abbey Complex, Belgard Road, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Dublin 24, D24 W2XA on a site area of c.0.91ha.

The development will consist of the following:

Demolition of the existing industrial and commercial office buildings totalling c.4,628sqm;
Construction of a Build-to-Rent Housing Development comprising 170 no. apartment units and crèche arranged in 2 no. blocks across 4-7 storeys over basement car park (total gross floor area c.13,880sqm excluding basement);
The residential development consists of: 9 no. 1 bedroom studio apartments (c.37-38sqm each); 94 no. 1 bedroom/2 person apartments (c.45-58sqm each); 2 no. 2 bedroom/3 person apartments (c.69sqm each); 34 no. 2 bedroom/4 person apartments (c.73-83sqm each); 24 no. 2 bedroom/4 person duplex apartments (c.93sqm each) and 7 no. 3 bedroom/5 person apartments (c.91-98sqm each) with north, south, east and west facing terraces/balconies throughout;
Internal communal amenity spaces at ground and fourth floor levels comprising reception, gym, lounge, cinema/tv room, events rooms and ancillary areas (totalling c.508sqm);
External communal open space including children’s play areas and informal amenity spaces at ground floor level between Blocks A and B. Communal roof garden at fourth floor level. Total external communal open space c.1,005sqm;
Public open space at ground floor level to the east and south of Block B totalling c.1095sqm;
1 no. creche (c.163sqm) with associated outdoor play area at ground floor level (c.75sqm);
73 no. car parking spaces comprising 64 no. basement spaces, 4 no. accessible parking spaces and 5 no. visitor spaces at surface level;
354 no. bicycle spaces comprising 264 no. resident spaces at basement level and 90 no. visitor spaces at ground floor level;
Reconfiguration/removal of existing car parking to the north of the site and access road resulting in a total of 28 no. car spaces serving the adjoining site;
All associated plant including heating centres, gas room, water storage room, break tank room, comms room and bin storage at basement level, ESB substation and switch room at ground level and circulation spaces and stair and lift cores throughout;
Vehicular/pedestrian access to the east from Belgard Road. All existing vehicular entrances serving adjoining sites maintained.
Fire/emergency and refuse vehicle access and pedestrian access to the south from Colbert’s Fort;
All associated site development and infrastructural works, services provision, foul and surface water drainage, extension to the foul network, access roads/footpaths, lighting, landscaping and boundary treatment works.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 9th April 2021 take the free trial here.

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Apartments New Build in Dublin

Glen Abbey Complex

Plans Applied

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