For a period of 10 years for development consisting of the demolition of an existing two storey office building and agricultural outbuildings and the construction of 170 No. dwellings comprising: 7 No. 4 bedroom two storey detached houses; 2 No. single storey plus dormer 4 bedroom detached houses; 25 No. 4 bedroom two storey semi-detached houses; 2 No. 3 bedroom two storey detached houses: 95 No. 3 bedroom two storey semi-detached houses and 39 No. 3 bedroom two storey terraced houses. The residential development will have 2 No. vehicular access points from Tully Road and 1 No. vehicular access point from Meadow Road. The development will also include a two storey commercial building (gross area 400 sq. m.) with separate vehicular access from Tully Road comprising a crèche at ground floor level and office accommodation at first floor level. All the above with associated parking, landscaping and site development works on a 8.4 hectare site in Kildare Town.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Started on 2016-06-22 take the free trial here.