Planning permission is sougt for the development will consist of:
(i) removal of existing boundary wall between the sites of Nos. 65 & 67 Seafield Road East and provision of partially relocated boundary wall of 1.2-2m height;
(ii) relocation of vehicular entrance serving No. 65 Seafield Road East;
(iii) demolition of the existing two-storey seven bedroom detached dwelling and single storey outbuildings at No. 67 Seafield Road East;
(iv) construction of 4 no. two-story over basement detached dwellings (House types A, B,C & D) with single storey element to rear, house types A & B will provide additional accommodation at attic floor level, comprise 6 no. bedrooms and are directly accessible via private vehicular entrances off Seafield Road East with 2 no. parking spaces provided within the curtilage of each dwelling. House types C & D comprise 4 no. bedrooms and will be situated to the rear of the site and accessed via a shared vehicular entrance and shared access road of 3.7m width, off Seafield Road East with 1 no. parking space provided within the curtilage of each dwelling and 1 no. parking space provided for each dwelling within a shared parking area. Each house type is provided with a front garden and an area of private amenity space to the rear.
(v) tree removal/planting, landscaping, boundary treatment, SuDs drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. No works are proposed at No. 65 Seafield Road East.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2021-05-20 take the free trial here.