Phase 1: permission to a) To demolish the existing unauthorised flat roof extension to the rear if the existing public house b) demolish the existing stone shed to the rear of the property c) conversion of existing rear section of public house to a two bed apartment, d) change of use and alterations of existing public house to a retail/commercial unit, e) alteration to existing habitable accommodation associated with existing public house to convert to a self-contained three bed apartment, and Phase 2: permission for f) conversion of existing stone store to a one bed apartment and alterations to existing street facade i.e. new door and windows, g) the erection 9 no. dwelling units consisting of a mixture of two and three bed, h) change of use to existing stone building to the rear to 2 no. one bed cottages and erection of extension to the rear of each cottage, I) widen the existing entrance, proposed new access road or service the sites, connection to existing services and all associated site works.