Extension of Duration of Planning Permission Ref. No. 08/201 which consists of Permission for the provision of a new Road Safety Authority driver testing centre on a 1.308 hectare site, comprising; (1) a new single storey 612 sqm driver test building at the front (east) of the site. (2) Landscaping and site works, e.g. New front entrance gates and boundary walls plus planting to the front of the site and building surrounds. (3) Hard surfaced in and out lane site entrance/ exit carriageway plus hard surfaced vehicle parking and driver test manoeuvring areas at the rear of the site. (4) Off street parking for bicycles, motorcycles, cars and medium to heavy rigid and articulated vehicles (HGVs), e.g. buses and trucks with trailers. (5) A manoeuvring test area for drivers of medium to heavy rigid and articulated vehicles (HGVs) e.g. buses and trucks with trailers. (6) A low speed manoeuvring driver test area for drivers of motorcycles. (7) Road Safety Authority (RSA) and other signage. (8) Pole mounted external lighting. (9) A 3m high acoustic fence around the north, west and south (rear & side) boundaries of the vehicle parking and manoeuvring test areas

To find out more details on this Public Building Development in Louth Started on 2018-06-25 take the free trial here.

Old Customs Station


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