Construction of a two-storey, 8 classroom school extension (gross floor area 1.461smq) with all associated accommodation, and refurbishment of the existing school building to include window and door replacement and partial reconfiguration of the internal layout and all ancillary works. External works to include; hard and soft landscape areas including ball court and play areas, reconfigured vehicular access roads, set down area, pedestrian access pathways, 29 on-site car parking spaces, sheltered bicycle rack and bin store, new fence enclosure to fuel storage and external storage cabins, on-site foul and surface water treatment and infiltration to ground systems, and all ancillary and associated site works within the site boundary. 3 no. existing portable cabins to be removed and surrounding area to be made good, including landscaping as part of the overall site development works on a site area of circa 2.01 hectares. External traffic management enhancements.
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