Strategic Housing Development: The application site comprises predominantly of two land parcels: the Main Residential Development Site located to the south of Main Street (generally bound by Smyths Bridge House (a Protected Structure), The Strand and New Road to the north, agricultural lands to the east, Donabate Distributor Road (DDR) to the south and the Dublin-Belfast Railway Line to the west); and, the Nature Park Site located to the south of the DDR (generally bound by the DDR to the north, agricultural lands to the east, Corballis Cottages Road to the south and the Dublin-Belfast Railway Line to the west). Both land parcels include additional lands for the purpose of localised road improvement and/or landscaping works at Main Street, New Road and DDR, and connection to a permitted wastewater pumping station (Reg. Ref. F19A/0472) to the east.
The development will consist of:
1. Construction of 1,365 no. new residential dwellings on the Main Residential Development Site comprising:
194 no. one-bed apartments (including 40 no. sheltered housing units) and 447 no. two-bed apartments (including 9 no. sheltered housing units) arranged in 16 no. apartment buildings. Apartment Blocks 1 to 14 range in height from 4 to 5 storeys and include balconies/terraces on
all elevations. The Sheltered Housing Block is 3 storeys in height and has balconies/terraces on all elevations. The Mixed-Use Block 2 is 2 storeys in height with ground floor retail use and a balcony on the south elevation. An additional 26 no. two-bed, 2 storey apartments are proposed in terraced format throughout the scheme (Apartment M Type);
? A further 60 no. one-bed apartments, 126 no. two bed apartments and 166 no. three-bed apartments are proposed, arranged in duplex and triplex format in terraces and corner blocks (including Mixed-Use Block 1), ranging in height from 2 to 4 storeys; and
? 9 no. two-bed houses; 206 no. three-bed houses; and 131 no. four-bed houses (ranging in height from 2 to 3 storeys).
2. Provision of communal residential amenities/facilities (total approximately 734sqm GFA) in 2 no. stand-alone 2 storey buildings and within Apartment Block 7 to serve the proposed Apartment Blocks.
3. Provision of 3 no. childcare facilities (total GFA approximately 1,604 sqm) in stand-alone, 2 storey buildings, with capacity for in the order of 297 no. children.
4. Provision of 7 no. retail/café units (total GFA approximately 627sqm) at two locations (3 no. units in Mixed-Use Buildings 1 & 2 adjacent to Donabate Town Centre and 4 no. units in Apartment Block 9 at the proposed local centre).
5. Reconfiguration of the existing car park serving Smyths Bridge House (a Protected Structure) to provide 44 no. replacement spaces. A further 1,842 no. car parking spaces are proposed (comprising 1,707 no. residential spaces; 23 no. childcare facility spaces (including 17 no. drop off spaces), 112 no. on-street visitor parking spaces (including 5 no. car-share spaces)), together with a total of 2,613 bicycle parking spaces (1,926 no. secure private spaces and 687 no. visitor spaces).
6. A series of public parks, open spaces, pocket parks and communal open spaces are proposed throughout the Main Residential Development Site.
7. Provision of the Corballis Nature Park (approximately 13.0ha) on lands to the south of the Donabate Distributor Road (DDR) to provide multifunctional natural amenity area including a cycle and pedestrian connection from the DDR to Corballis Cottages Road and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) features to serve the wider Corballis lands.
8. Vehicular access to the Main Development Site will be via two permitted junctions from the DDR to the south; the existing upgraded vehicular entrance at Smyth’s Public House (providing vehicular access to 19 no. dwellings only) to the north-west; and a further new vehicular entrance to the north-east at New Road. The proposed development also provides for the extension of the existing footpath by approximately 215m from The Strand to the proposed new entrance on New Road, along the southern side of New Road.
9. The proposed development includes works within the curtilage of a Protected Structure (Smyths Bridge House) associated with the upgraded entrance to Main Street, the reconfiguration of the existing car parking and associated boundary, landscape, and site works.
10. Proposed development facilitates future potential pedestrian, cycle and vehicular links to existing and proposed adjoining developments and including a link to the approved bridge over the railway line (FCC Ref. Part XI/004/19) and a connection to the proposed Nature Park via an existing pedestrian crossing on the DDR, and the approved Broadmeadow Way proposals (ABP Ref. ABP304624-19) (via the Nature Park).
11. All enabling and site development works, landscaping, boundary treatments, lighting, services and connections, including connection to permitted wastewater pumping station (Reg. Ref. F19A/0472), waste management, ESB substations, and all other ancillary works above and below ground on a site of approximately 43.1 ha.
12. A 10 year permission is sought.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 9th August 2021 take the free trial here.