Application to An Bord Pleanála for planning permission for a strategic housing development consisting of 136 no. residential units, comprising of 98 no. apartments and 38 no. houses, to be provided as follows:

Apartment Block 1 containing 44 no. apartments, including 3 no. 1 beds, 27 no. 2 beds and 14 no. 3 beds, in a four-storey building over basement / lower ground floor;

Apartment Block 2 containing 44 no. apartments, including 3 no. 1 beds, 33 no. 2 beds and 8 no. 3 beds, in a four-storey building over basement;

Apartment Block 3 containing 10 no. apartments, including 2 no. 1 beds and 8 no. 2 beds, in a two storey building; 7 no. 5 bed houses (Type A1 and A2), 23 no. 4 bed houses (Type B1, B2 and E2) and 8 no. 3 bed houses (Type D1, D2, D3 and E1), of two and three storeys in height.

A 195 sq.m crèche facility and play area are proposed on the lower ground floor of Block 1. The development includes 227 no. car parking spaces at basement / lower ground floor and surface level. The proposal includes cycle and motorcycle parking spaces, bin storage, public open space, landscaping, boundary walls and fences, internal roads, cyclepaths and footpaths, and 1 no. electricity sub-station.

The associated site and infrastructural works include the removal of two existing structures in ruin, the provision of foul and surface water drainage, including attenuation tanks, and all associated services infrastructure.

The proposal also includes for the provision of a new pedestrian connection to and through Cabinteely Park including works to Cabinteely Park. The proposed connection will utilise a pre-existing opening in the boundary wall in the northeast corner of the proposed site, connecting to Cabinteely Park via a section of open space to be delineated by proposed railings within the adjacent Carrickmines Wood development. The proposed works include the provision of a new entrance gate to Cabinteely Park and new pathways within Cabinteely Park connecting to the existing footpath network within Cabinteely Park.

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