The proposed development will consist of the following:
The demolition of the existing eight-story over basement office building on site which has a total gross floor area (GFA) of 3,757.5 sq.m, along with all associated site clearance works; The construction of part 4 to part 10 storey office development over basement level, with a cafe/restaurant unit at ground floor level. The proposal has a GFA of 12,690 sq.m GFA, including basement level; An office reception area fronting onto the junction of Pembroke Road and Northumberland Road, a cafe/restaurant unit, office floorspace, and ESB substation are proposed at ground floor level; Ancillary office floorspace, plant rooms, a bin store, attenuation storage, a bike store for 158 no. spaces, 1 no. motorcycle space, e-scooter parking spaces, and 9 no. car parking spaces are provided at basement level. 10 no. visitor cycle parking spaces are provided at ground level; External terraces are provided from first to ninth-floor level;
The development provides for pedestrian access from Pembroke Road and Northumberland Road and vehicular and cycle access to the basement car park from Baggot Lane / Northumberland Road; The development includes screened plant enclosures, green roofs and PV panels at roof level; The development includes foul and surface water drainage, landscape works, public realm upgrades, boundary treatments, lighting, signage, and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development. Connection to services/works external to the planning application site boundary will be subject to agreement with the Planning Authority.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 19th May 2022 take the free trial here.