The development will consist of the provision of a total of 135no. apartments in 3no. separate blocks incorporating provision of a crèche and restaurant/café and provision of a basement to provide for car parking, bicycle storage and ancillary bin storage areas.
Particulars of the development comprise as follows:
(a) Site works to facilitate the proposed development to include excavation and general site preparation works.
(b) Block A: A three storey building (fronting onto Mill Street) comprising a creche at ground floor level (259.17sq.m) along with ancillary outdoor play space for children; a restaurant/cafe (218.59sq.m) along with provision of 2no. separate lettered signs to the front facade; provision of 8no.residential 2bed apartments
and provision of 4no. residential 1bed apartments along with provision of a rooftop garden area for residents.
(c) Block B: A four and five storey building comprising a total of 107no.residential apartments to consist of 17no. 3 bed apartments, 65no. 2 bed apartments and 25no. 1 bed apartments along with provision of a roof-top garden area for residents.
(d) Block C: A four storey building comprising a total of 16no. residential apartments to consist of 4no. 3 bed apartments, 8no. 2 bed apartments and 4no. 1 bed apartments along with provision of a roof top garden area for residents.
(e) Provision of a basement car parking area served by an internal access road to comprise a total of 190 car parking spaces along with provision for bicycle storage (370no. bicycle storage spaces) along with bin storage areas;
(f) Provision of access from Mill Street to facilitate vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access;
(g) Provision of internal access roads and footpaths/walkways;
(h) Provision of structural retaining walls along the perimeter site boundaries to facilitate basement & building construction works;
(i) Provision of residential communal open space areas (including formal play areas) to include a ‘walkway’ along the Lyreen River, all hard and soft landscape works within the site which includes public lighting, public seating, planting and boundary treatments;
(j) Provision of an ESB substation between Block A and Block B;
(k) Associated site works and basement attenuation systems as well as all ancillary site development/construction works to facilitate site drainage and foul networks for connection to the existing foul, storm and public water networks.
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and accompanies this application.

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Apartments New Build in Kildare

Plans Applied

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