The proposed development will consist of

1) Modifications to demolition permitted under fw17a/0205 to incorporate the front rotunda section of existing building into a new development.

2) The construction of 3 no. single level data hall buildings (c. 19,687m2 gfa) with 2 level associated electrical plant modules and 2 storey ancillary front of house office space, staff areas, plant areas (with flues ranging in height from c. 15-20m) and roof plant including pv panel arrays. The height of the proposed buildings is c. 9.5m to roof level and c. 17.8m including rooftop plant.

The proposed development includes the provision of water treatment plant room and fuel storage compounds, 9no. Water tanks (11.9m high), skip compactor, sprinkler tank and pumps; 1 no. Gni above ground installation compound (c. 1000m2); gas generator compound (c. 1550m2) including 9no. Flues (18m high), HV switch room, waste heat export to 3rd party connection building (c. 24m2), telecommunications mast (c. 9m high), 84 no. car parking spaces and all associated site and development works

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Dublin Granted permission on 3rd May 2018 take the free trial here.

Clyde House

Plans Granted

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