PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The specific site of the proposed development comprises 0.68 hectares and is bounded by the Intercontinental Hotel to the north, Simmonscourt Road to the south and east and the RDS Jumping enclosure/Jumping ring No.1 to the west. There are a number of protected structures within the RDS complex. The development will consist of revisions to the permitted development under Dublin City Council planning reg. ref. 2617/03 (An Bord Pleanala ref. 29S.205688 & subsequently extended under Dublin City Council planning reg. ref. 2617/03/x1) specifically relating to the permitted 5 and 6 storey [with plant at 7 storey level (33.2mOD)] Office Blocks (Blocks C & D) and comprise;- A) Reorientation of Block D and its incorporation into Block C to form a single L shaped 5 and 6 storey office block [with plant at 7 storey level] (overall height 33.2mOD); B) Associated internal reconfiguration of all floor areas to include for revised core arrangement/locations; C) Alterations to permitted glazing and cladding finish on all elevations including reduction in roof canopy and inclusion of brise-soliel/roof canopy over proposed relocated entrance area; D) reconfiguration of terrace areas;- to include removal of terraced area on the southern facade at fourth floor level as well as the relocation of the roof terrace area fronting onto Simmonscourt Road to the Western Elevation at 5th Floor level and the reconfiguration of permitted terraced area adjacent to the rear of the Intercontinental Hotel; E) Reduction in footprint of basement area from 5,029sq.m to 2,815sq.m resulting in a reduction in car parking spaces from 114 no. to 50 no. car parking spaces and provision of 113 no. cycle spaces, shower areas and reconfigured plant areas, all at basement level; F) Revised access arrangements;- to include for relocated vehicular access to basement from the southern end of site adjacent to retained existing Wylie gate to the existing access road located to the rear of the Intercontinental Hotel; Reconfigured access adjacent to retained existing Wylie gate to provide for appropriate segregation of vehicular, pedestrian and equine accesses at the Wylie gate adjacent to new landscaped area located to the front of revised office block [to include relocated single storey ESB substation / meter room (which requires 24 hr public access)]. The removal of a section of the boundary wall north of the Wylie gate was permitted under Dublin City Council planning reg. ref. 2617/03 (An Bord Pleanala ref. 29S.205688). The site boundary wall, railings, gates and gate piers of the RDS are protected structures; G) Revised Landscaping:- to include revised plaza area ( and associated changes to levels) replacement trees along western facade of newly configured office block & new pocket layout & yard wall to existing support area/ yard; H) Revisions to permitted attenuation including foul and surface water arrangements including all associated site development and landscaping works. The proposed amendments would result in a decrease in overall Gross Floor Area (above ground) of approx. 23sq.m (from 11,328 sq.m to 11,305sq.m) comprising a reduction in floor space per floor of: 332sq.m at ground floor; 109sq.m at first, second and third floors and an increase in floorspace per floor of: 143sq.m at fourth floor level, 460sq.m at fifth floor level and 33sq.m at plant (sixth floor) level. (There is no overall increase in height resulting from this proposed revised development).
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Applied for on 15th July 2020 take the free trial here.