The proposed development shall consist of modifications to the existing hotel and construction of a 6 storey (over 2 level basement) extension. The works shall consist of the following: a) Demolition of existing conference and function area at ground floor; b) Omission of 9 no. bedrooms in existing hotel to facilitate connections to the new extension at first to fifth floor levels; c) New function suite at ground floor level and part of first floor level comprising reception area, meeting rooms, function rooms, conference rooms, bar/lounge, covered smoking area, car drop off area and associated facilities; d) Extension to existing restaurant at ground floor level; e) Provision of 140 no. new bedrooms ( a net gain of 131 no. bedrooms) and associated service rooms at first to fourth floor levels bringing the total to 361; f) Business lounge/bar at fifth floor level with associated roof terrace; g) Plant room at fifth floor level; h) 189 no. basement car parking spaces; i) Fitness centre at basement level -2; j) Ancillary facilities including plant room, storage areas, maintenance facilities, refuse stores, loading bay, substation and cycle parking within basement area; k) Deliveries/Service yard and all associated landscaping, site works and services.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 5th December 2016 take the free trial here.