Modifications to previously granted, planning permission ref no 08/1937 to two storey educational building to the rear (north) of Belvedere Hall, comprising classrooms, teaching laboratories, preparation area, computer room, workshop, ancillary areas and toilet facilities (circa 1021 sqm). Modifications to previously granted, planning permission ref no 08/1937 to two storey residential dormitory building, comprising 49 no student ensuite bedrooms, 3 no staff ensuite bedrooms, 2 no accessible ensuite bedrooms, canteen, library, study hall, staff rooms, staff locker room, staff office, meeting room, toilet facilities, kitchens, ancillary areas, first floor terraces and new basement comprising service areas and laundry room facilities (circa 2245 sqm) and external bin store. Ancillary site development works including connection to existing foul sewer at North Shore housing estate, Templecarrig Lower. All modifications and ancillary site works are within the curtilage of a Protected Structure (Ref No 08 – 05 Schedule of Protected Structures).(PRR 10/2012)

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Belvedere Hall

Plans Applied

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