Construct the development which will consist of the provision of a waste recycling facility, comprising facilities for the acceptance of skip waste and glass waste and civic amenity facility. This will comprise (a) a materials recovery facility building of approx. 2,687 sqm gross floor area including ancillary offices and welfare facilities, (b) external storage bays, (c) weighbridge, internal circulation space, parking and storage areas, (d) provision of a new vehicular access to monavalley industrial estate road to facilitate public access, (e) use of existing vehicular access point to facilitate commercial vehicles and (f) all ancillary site development works including site clearance, partial demolition of existing concrete slab, landscaping, boundary treatment and services, Ten Year Permission Being Sought for this development.

To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Kerry Applied for on 2019-06-18 take the free trial here.


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