Westside Shopping Centre Limited (as general partner acting on behalf of Westside Shopping Centre Development Limited Partnership) intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a strategic housing development principally comprising student accommodation at this site at Westside Shopping Centre, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway. The developable site, which measures c. 0.26 hectares, is located in the south-eastern corner of the Westside Shopping Centre car park. The application site also includes the reorganisation of the surface car parking spaces and internal roads to the north and west of the developable site, which will incorporate an area of c. 0.21 hectares. An existing 1,050mm diameter surface water sewer and an existing 450mm diameter foul sewer will be diverted within the shopping centre car park to facilitate the development. Both diverted sewers will reconnect to the existing sewers under Seamus Quirke Road. The drainage works on Seamus Quirke Road will incorporate an area of c. 0.07 hectares. The developable site area, the reorgansiation of car parking and internal roads, and the drainage works area will provide a total application site area of c. 0.54 hectares.

The proposed development will principally consist of: the construction of a part 1 No. to part 7 No. storey development (with roof level telecommunications infrastructure, plant and lift overruns over), comprising 1 No. café unit with ancillary takeaway (c. 98 sq m) at ground floor level and 240 No. Student Accommodation bedspaces with associated facilities, which will be utilised for short-term lets during student holiday periods. The 240 No. bedspaces (including 12 No. accessible units) are provided in 32 No. clusters ranging in size from 4 No. bedspaces to 8 No. bedspaces, and all clusters are served by a communal living/kitchen/dining room. The gross floor area of the development is c. 8,121 sq m and the gross floor space is c. 7,380 sq m.

The development also includes the relocation eastwards of the pedestrian access route in the car park from the Seamus Quirke Road to the Westside Shopping Centre; and the reorganisation of car parking spaces and internal roads to the north and west of the newly proposed student accommodation building including resurfacing of part of the car park’s internal circulation road to a shared surface and the removal of 94 No. existing car parking spaces from within the Westside Shopping Centre surface car park, resulting in a total of 238 No. spaces remaining in the car park.

The development also provides internal communal student amenity spaces and support facilities; telecommunications infrastructure at roof level (18 No. antennas and 6 No. transmission dishes, all enclosed in 9 No. shrouds together with all associated equipment); bin store; bicycle parking; motorcycle parking; communal and public open space including a public plaza along the eastern boundary of the site; hard and soft landscaping; roof gardens; green and brown roofs; demolition of part of the boundary wall fronting onto Seamus Quirke Road and replacement with a plinth wall; boundary treatments; substation; comms room; plant; stores; lift overruns; and all associated works above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Galway Applied for on 2022-04-12 take the free trial here.

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