The strategic housing development will consist of the construction of 194 no. dwellings and ancillary infrastructure as follows:
A) 119 no. 2 storey houses (7 no. 2 bedroom houses, 89 no. 3 bedroom houses, 22 no. 4 bedroom houses and 1 no. 5 bedroom dwelling);
B) 31 no. apartments in 1 no. 4 storey apartment building (14 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 17 no. 2 bedroom apartments) all apartment units to have balcony or terrace;
C) 36 no. duplex apartments/apartments (18 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 18 no. 3 bedroom duplex apartments) in a series of 3 no. duplex apartment buildings of 3 no. storeys in height, all
duplex units to have balcony or terrace;
D) 8 no. 1 bedroom Maisonette Apartment Dwellings in 2 no. 2 storey buildings;
E) Creche of c. 303.5 sq. m located in ground floor of Apartment building;
F) Realignment and upgrade of a section of the Dunboyne Road (c. 480m) to include footpaths, cycle paths and road crossing as well as foot/cycle path along Dunboyne Road to Limewalk entrance (temporary construction accesses from Dunboyne Road);
G) Vehicular access from 2 points on the Dunboyne Road (and a pedestrian access beside apartment block), internal roads and paths; H) Open space areas [with pedestrian/cyclist connection including ‘tie in’ arrangements to the ‘Limewalk’ to the south], hard and soft landscaping (including public lighting) and open space (including boundary
treatment), communal open space for duplex apartments; regrading/re-profiling of site where required [including import/export of soil as required] along with bicycle/bin stores and ESB substations, upgrade of existing attenuation in quarry area including landscaping;
I) Bicycle (209 no. spaces) and car parking (336 no. spaces) as well as single storey bin and bicycle stores;
J) Provision of vehicular entrance and driveway to serve Pebble Hill (a
protected structure) from the Dunboyne Road;
K) Surface water attenuation measures and underground attenuation systems as well as connection to water supply, drainage and provision of local pumping station to Irish Water specifications (with access from the Dunboyne Road);
L) Demolition of existing agricultural structures (c. 156 sq. m);
M) All ancillary site development/construction works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Applied for on 2021-07-16 take the free trial here.