Permission sought for conversion & refurbishment of existing food centre & ancillary spaces of total area c.254.7 sq.m to 3 no. resource rooms, 1 no. classroom, toilets and store, including extensions of total area c. 10.3 sq.m consisting of a new lobby of area c. 4.2 sq.m and a c. 6.1 sq.m extension to an existing annex to provide additional toilets. Works to include alterations & repairs to existing doors & windows, the stripping out of non-original internal partitions, the formation of new internal door opes, the taking down of a single-storey external wall & reconstruction of same in insulated cavity wall construction, the renewal of selected floor, wall & ceiling finishes, and other works of decorative/ remedial/ ancillary nature at the existing Primary School, all on a site of c.3392 sq.m.

To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Started on 10th March 2015 take the free trial here.

76 Upper Gardiner Street


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