The development will consist of the demolition of a detached two-storey dormer bungalow and detached single storey domestic garage and the construction of a single-storey extension of 699sqm to the side of existing sleeptight factory building facing Cavan Road. The development will also include the construction of a further single-storey extension to the rear of the existing sleeptight factory building of 1,418sqm, including an enclosure of 32sqm to house conveyor belt connecting to the pocket spring building behind. Ancillary site works to include provision of additional staff and truck parking, boundary treatments and railings to Cavan Road and re-cladding the front of the existing sleeptight factory to tie in with the extension and neighbouring respa building.

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Meath Granted permission on 2016-09-26 take the free trial here.

Cavan Road

Plans Granted

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