Permission for development at a site at Jervis Street, that is bound by Jervis St (N52) to the south and ash walk to the north and east and has a site area of c. 0. 75 hectares. A portion of the site is within the overall curtilage of a protected structure (Santa Barbara – former hospt. Superintents house) – there are no works proposed to the protected structure. The development will consist of: a) demolition of all existing buildings, structures and hard surfaces onsite. B) construction of a single storey discount food store (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of C. 1,760 sq. M (net retail area 1,315 sq. M). C) new vehicular/pedestrian/cyclist access from Jervis Street (n52) (including proposed future access to adjoining lands) with new access from Jervis Street to include demolition of the existing stone boundary wall (adjacent to Jervis Street). D) 87 no. Car parking spaces and 12 no. Bicycle spaces. E) erection of 2 no. Double-sided, free-standing identification sign
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Louth Applied for on 2019-08-30 take the free trial here.