Demolition of the two existing single storey school buildings and link corridor to the west of the main block and the construction of an extension to the existing school of approximately 2400sq.m.The proposed extension is a two and three storey building comprising general purpose rooms, administration areas, stores, plant, library, multi-purpose rooms, special education rooms and ten general classrooms with ancillary accommodation, associated external play area and external store. The new building will be finished in brickwork with pitched slate roofs and aluminium glazing. New fencing, gates and additional hedging will be provided to the site perimeter. Existing buildings will be internally refurbished, with water storage at roof level of the existing main block, extended and re-clad in timber. Link corridors will be provided to the proposed extension.36 staff car parking spaces will be provided with new on-site drop off, new gates and entrances onto Johnstown Road. Associated road improve

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