PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development to amend a previously permitted 7 No. storey over 2 No. basement level hotel development including revisions to the internal layout and building footprint (DCC Reg. Ref. 2651/08 – ABP Ref. PL29S. 231043) as extended by DCC Reg. Ref. 2651/08×1; DCC Reg. Ref. 3035/15 and DCC Reg. Ref. 2413/16) on an enlarged site of 0.238 ha approx. (the original site being 0.19 ha), comprising lands at the rear of Nos. 19-22 Aungier Street; No. 40 Bow Lane East; Store A and Store B (also known as Unit 1 and Unit 2), Bow Lane East; No. 12 Bow Lane East; and No. 11 Bow Lane East. (Eircodes D02 AX59; D02 H771; D02 AY81; D02 V126; D02 YE24.) The site is principally bounded by Nos. 19-22 Aungier Street to the west, Bow Lane East to the north and east, and the unnamed lane adjacent to Glovers Court (which is an extension to Bow Lane East) to the south, Dublin 2. (Nos. 20-22 Aungier Street are designated Protected Structures (RPS Nos. 299, 300 and 301 respectively). (The extent planning permissions permit inter alia the demolition of existing structures on the original application site (with the exception of one gable wall, which is to be retained); the development of a 7 No. storey over 2 No. basement levels hotel building; 31 No. car parking spaces and a vehicle wash area at basement level – 1 for Funeral Home and Hotel use, accessed via an existing archway to Aungier Street; vehicular set down area on Bow Lane East; service yard accessed from Bow Lane East; plant/ancillary areas and all associated works). The development will consist of: the demolition of all the additional 1 and 2 storey buildings across the site (total permitted and proposed demolition floor area 1,577 sq m). The development will also consist of the construction of: an additional 121 No. hotel bedrooms (from a permitted 190 No. to 311 No.); a total increase in floor area of 3,067 sq m (from 8,377 sq m to 11,445 sq m, including: an own-door retail unit (48 sq m) at ground floor level on Bow Lane East, ancillary retail storage at basement level -1(46 sq m); a single storey courtyard pavilion comprising public licensed bar/restaurant use (92 sq m); additional bedroom accommodation; and 2 No. basement levels). The development will result in an increase in the maximum height of the permitted building from approx. 22 m to approx. 24.05 m. The amendments to the permitted development will include revisions to: the internal layout of the hotel as extended (including the public licensed bar and restaurant at ground floor; hotel gym at first floor level; hotel bedrooms; meeting rooms; ancillary areas; and internal courtyard at first floor level). The development will also consist of the provision of: ancillary funeral home staff facilities (59 sq m) at basement level -1; 36 No. bicycle spaces and 31 No. car parking spaces at basement level -1; revised elevational treatments; revised building setbacks (accessible only for maintenance purposes); hotel and retail signage; attenuation tank; plant (including screened roof plant); changes in levels; hard and soft landscaping; amendments to vehicular access ramp to basement level -1; service yard and substation accessed from Bow Lane East; amendments to the previously permitted vehicular set down area at Bow Lane East; all other associated works above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Started on 2017-02-14 take the free trial here.

Lands at the rear of Nos. 19-22 Aungier Street & No. 40 Bow Lane East


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