The proposed erection of a 90 bedroom 3 storey nursing home. Permission is also sought for 54 number two storey dwellings consisting of 2 number semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellings, and 52 number terraced dwellings in 13 blocks (26 number 2 bedroom & 26 number 3 bedroom), 3 storey apartment block with 9 number 1 bedroom units and 6 number 2 bedroom units, 2 1/2 storey maisonette house unit consisting of 2 number 2 bedroom ground/first floor units and 2 number 2 bedroom first floor/attic floor units, together with proposed boundary treatments, landscaping, car parking, signage, drainage connections and all associated site development works, vehicular access from existing roundabout at Kilbarry road junction.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Waterford Started on 12th December 2018 take the free trial here.



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