05 Jul 2022 The construction of private dwellings and associated works at No 1 to 14 Codrum Way
Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and storage shed and construction of residential development of 156 no. residential units comprising of 18 no. detached dwellings, 50 no. semi-detached dwellings, 80 no. terraced dwellings and 4 no. apartments, creche, 2 no. ESB sub-stations, foul water underground pumping station to include control building, new vehicular entrance and right hand turning lane and all associated site development works to include landscaping and the expansion of an existing waste water treatment plant on a separate site. Extension of duration of permission granted under Planning Ref. 06/12722 & ABP Ref. PL04.224953 and extended under Ref. 13/4725, 18/4980.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Started on 5th July 2022 take the free trial here.