Demolition of the existing buildings to the rear of and adjoining the Protected Structure (the Rye Vale Tavern) and demolition of the Zinc Venue nightclub/function room. Change of use of the existing Rye Vale Tavern from public house/residential/office use to office use and associated conservation works to the building. Reconstruction of rear and side walls of existing store/bar and solicitors office on Pound Street and change of use of part ground floor and 1st floor from lounge/nightclub to office use. The construction of a part single storey part 2 storey discount foodstore (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of 1,820 sqm (including glazed corridor) and net retail area of 1,254 sqm to the rear of the existing office building on Pound Street. The proposed building has a maximum height of 11.19 metres. Access to the site will be provided via Pound Street and the development will be served by 104 No. car parking spaces. The development includes the erection of one free standing double sided internally illuminated sign, 2 No. internally illuminated gable signs, 1 No. internally illuminated special buy sign and entrance glass signage. The proposed development includes all landscaping and site development works on the 0.8058 hectare site, including the provision of a landscaped plaza area to the front of the proposed entrance to the store from Pound Street.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2016-05-20 take the free trial here.

The Rye Vale Tavern and 4/5 Pound Street

Plans Granted

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