(1) Construction of single-storey changing facility (356m2) comprising reception area, WC, changing rooms (male and female), wet suit room, shower room, mechanical room, and covered outdoor patio.
(2) Construction of a 2-storey indoor activity center (979m2) comprising open plan activity area, reception, cafe, seating area, WC, stairwell, and covered outdoor patio at ground floor level. The first floor will comprise an office, 3 no. classrooms, and WC.
(3) Provision of new 1-way vehicular entrance into the site from the Balrothery Road (LP01155). Vehicles will exit via the existing entrance onto the same road.
(4) Provision of car parking comprising 42 no. car parking spaces and 3 no. mobility parking spaces and
(5) SUDS drainage, foul treatment system, landscaping, boundary treatments, and all associated works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Dublin Applied for on 16th April 2021 take the free trial here.