Permission for development of 1. Providing a hard standing area (1,289m2) for relocated general services and equipment on Bond Road. 2. Realigning the airside-landside boundary on Bond Road. This will result in 1,375m2 being positioned airside instead of landside. 3. Dismantling and removal off site of the existing two storey South Apron Village building which has a height of 7m and 1,560m2 gross floorspace (780m2 per floor), extend the hard standing area and, removing or relocating items within the area of the proposed development. 4. Providing an Into-Plane Base in the airside (i.e. security restricted) area of the Airport (10.090m2). The Into-Plan Base will comprise fuel loading stands, fuel tanker and dispenser parking, diesel tanks and dispensers, three storey operations building which has a height of 12.2m and 1,185m2 gross floor space (395m2 per floor), and service vehicle parking. The Into-Plane Base will also consist of associated fuel tanker turning circles, lighting, water, waste-water, drainage and interceptors, utility, power supply and information technology systems. Security fencing will be erected around the perimeter of the Into-Plane Base, with automated entrance and exit gates, and the service vehicle parking outside of the security fence. 5. Extending the hard standing area to the South of the South Apron Village building. Existing skips will be relocated here and an area of 5,463m2 will be provided for existing General Services and Equipment, including battery charging units, to be relocated. 6. A new 6m wide roadway along the Southern perimeter of the redeveloped area to give access to the Dardistown sub-station, existing interceptor INT043, and the proposed Into-Plane Operations building and associated service vehicles. 7. Increasing the ground level for part of the described development. The proposed finished level for most of the development will remain practically the same as the existing finished ground level. To the East of the site it is proposed to raise the finished level from approximately 56.87m to a new finished level of 58.35m. 8. Twin feeder, aviation fuel, underground, hydrant pipelines from the existing fuel farm on Corballis Road, to the new Into-Planes Base, to the existing Pier 4 hydrant loop, to Pier 3 which will be provided with a new hydrant spur, and on to Pier 1 which will be provided with a new hydrant loop. Provision will be made for connection of the hydrant system to a potential future Pier 5. The total length of the pipeline corridor is approximately 4km. 9. Enabling and ancillary works such as modifying Head of Stand Road to accommodate fuel tanker movements and diverting services.
To find out more details on this Transport Development in Dublin Granted permission on 21st August 2015 take the free trial here.