For development consisting of proposed works to Nazareth House (a protected structure – rps no. 24) to provide a health care facility. These works comprise: (a) construction of a three storey extension 1,191 sq. M to the rear of existing building. (b) internal refurbishment works over 5,002 sq. M including installation of a first floor in the rear hall 191 sq. M (c) demolition of three no stairs and replacement with new (d) demolition of a one storey extension 451 sq. M and store 25 sq. M in the courtyard to rear (e) demolition of a conservatory 8. 5 sq. M on the ground floor of the south wing and replacement with new 6. 5 sq. M and (f) all ancillary site works and services which include the provision of 251 car parking spaces, the diversion of overhead services, all landscaping works including the removal of 22 no. Trees, planting of 78 new trees and provision of site signage.
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Sligo Granted permission on 2017-07-03 take the free trial here.