Architectural & Ancillary Services including Assigned Certifier, Design Certifier, PSDP, Landscape Architect and Fire Consultancy Services
Amendment of planning application register Reference 3034/13 to extend the sheltered housing development by replacing the approved 7 no. townhouses with an additional residential block of 23 no. units and amendments to the design of 3 of the 39 previously permitted units at Bethany House, Junction of Park Avenue & Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4. The proposed development and amendment application will consist of the omission of 7 no. 3 bedroom two/ three storey townhouses from the approved scheme (3034/13) and their replacement with part two / three storey sheltered accommodation block (maximum ridge height of 10.6 m) containing 9 no. 1 bedroom and 14 no. 2 bedroom units (total 23 no. residential units) referred as Block D. The new proposed building will be immediately adjacent to the permitted Blocks A, B, C as comprising 39 no. residential units. The development includes amendments to the design of 3 no. units permitted under Reg. Ref. 3034/13 (Block C, Unit Nos. 12, 26 & 39 ). The total no. of residential units across the 4 no. Blocks A-D being 62 no. units. The proposed amended development also comprises a single storey plant room, a bin store, an ESB substation and total 23 no. car parking spaces, 12 no. cycle spaces, a maintained pedestrian access to the proposal from Park Avenue, the omission of a previously permitted separate vehicular access to serve the 7 no. residential units, a landscape scheme, boundary treatments and all other ancillary works above and below ground as to support the proposed amended and existing approved scheme.
Social Housing Development at Bethany House, Gilford Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin take the free trial here.