A biopark and all ancillary site development works including landscaping, fencing and signage. The proposed biopark consists of 4 no. 2-storey bio-manufacturing buildings, 4 no. 2-storey administration/laboratory buildings with roof top plant room, a 2 storey warehouse building with 6 storey storage tower, a 2 storey hydration facility building, a 2 storey central utilities building with external boiler flues, and a 2 storey canteen and administration building with roof top plant room and service yard. The bio-manufacturing, administration/laboratory, hydration facility and central utilities buildings are all connected to the central warehouse building via 2 no. 1-2 storey spine buildings. The proposed site development works include a security building, pump house, water chiller tower, the relocation of overhead wires, 4 no. generators, esb compound, water balancing tank farm, fire water tank, utility water tank, Bord Gais compound, internal access roads, car parking and a fire water retention pond. Primary access to the proposed development is from the R613 with a secondary access via an existing entrance from the L2496.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Cork Granted permission on 8th March 2017 take the free trial here.