The removal of the existing school buildings, provision of new temporary accommodation and the construction of a new 2 storey Gaelscoil, comprising of 16 classrooms, a general purpose room with servery, library and resource area, special education tuition rooms, multipurpose room and other ancillary accommodation with a total floor floor area of C. 2508 m.sq. Proposed site works to include provision for 34 no. car parking spaces including accessible parking, drop-off facilities, turning circle with access road and alteration to the existing entrance from Rooske Road, bicycle storage, external store, the formation of 2 no. ballcourts, junior play area, soft landscaping, new boundary fencing and associated site engineering works. A temporary site access will be provided from Rooske Road on adjacent land during construction phase. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application

To find out more details on this School Development in Meath Started on 2016-01-18 take the free trial here.

Gaelscoil Thulach na nOg


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