PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a change of use of the former Kilmainham Courthouse (a Protected Structure) and Outbuildings from Courthouse and associated uses to cultural and visitor facility use associated with Kilmainham Gaol (a Protected Structure and National Monument) and the refurbishment of Kilmainham Courthouse and Outbuildings and all ancillary works. Work to the main Courthouse building will include the construction of: – a new lift to link all levels from ground to second floor, – new sanitary facilities, – a new internal mezzanine bridge to link the east and west wings, – the provision of a public cafe and bookstore and other internal modifications. Works to the Outbuildings will include the construction of: – new sanitary facilities, – boiler house and cafe store. External works will include: – the modification of the front railings to provide two new side gates, – realignment of the stone entrance to the front to form a new landing, – i

To find out more details on this Public Building Development in Dublin Started on 11th June 2015 take the free trial here.

Kilmainham Courthouse


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