The Development will consist of the a Neighbourhood Centre Development (1967sqm total gross floor area)consisting of a supermarket with Off License and ancillary areas (1504sqm of which 991 sqm is net retail sales area), 3 no retail units (310sqm) and 1 no stand alone restaurant/cafe unit (153 sqm). Permission is also sought for car parking (125 no spaces) services yard, ESB substation, building mounted and free standing signage, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments and all associated site and development works. Access is proposed via a new junction on the Ballymahon road which will provide access to the current application site and adjoining development lands.
Commencement 04/01/2016:
Fit-out of shell and core unit as Costa Coffee at Avondale Neighborhood Center Ballymahon Road Athlone. The works will consist of the erection of stuff walls to create back of house and toilet areas, the installation of joinery feature to include a coffee counter and modification to the existing electrical and plumbing services including alteration of the fire alarm.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Westmeath Started on 4th January 2016 take the free trial here.