The site is located to the east of the R132 / Swords Road and Collinstown Cross and west of Dardistown Cemetery. The proposed development consists of the following: Demolition of all existing structures on the site which have a total gross floor area of 3,435 sq.m. The construction of 2 no. Research and Development Buildings (Blocks A and B) with a total gross floor area of 15,092 sq.m. Block A fronts onto the Swords Road and comprises 7,644 sq.m. of research and development floorspace over 4 no. storeys plus plant at roof level, with the third floor setback. Block B is located to the rear of the site comprising 7,488 sq.m. over 4 no. storeys plus plant at roof level with the third floor setback. The development provides for vehicular and service access from the Swords Road. A total of 184 no. surface car parking space and 189 no. bicycle parking spaces are provided. The proposal includes 2 no. ESB substations measuring c.28 sq.m. to the north of the proposed blocks. The proposal includes all associated landscaping, boundary treatments and infrastructural works/services.

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Collinstown Cross Industrial Estate

Plans Applied

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