The removal of detrimental ancillary structures and structures of little value and internal walls associated with the cottage and outbuildings; Refurbishment of the cottages and outbuildings through the repair walls, roof, floors and windows and doors and drainage to enable habitation; Siteworks including provision of a gravelled courtyard, re-instatement of pump, refurbishment of wrought iron gates and repair of walls and rebuilding of a section of the roadside historic wall and gate as well demolition and construction of a new blockwork rendered front wall set back from the existing line to allow sightlines, and provision of a new pedestrian pathway along the public road (L7049); Demolition of the existing derelict haybarn and construction of a new barn building (to match existing in form, scale and colour) housing an administration area, storage area, fork lift charging and covered walkway with an overall maximum height of 8.2m and a gfa of 125sqm; Construction of 3no. new warehouses for the purpose of whiskey maturation. The warehouses will have an overall maximum height of 13m and each have a gfa of c.975sqm; 1 switch room to serve 2 warehouses with a gfa of 25sqm; Construction of 1 no. vatting building and independent switch room for the purpose of dumping and vatting casks and single cask hand bottling. The building will have an overall maximum height of 12.3m and a gfa of 139sqm. 1 no. switch room to serve 1 warehouse and vatting building has a gfa of 25.6sqm; Provision of landscaping, car parking area (12no. spaces), 16 no. bicycle parking spaces, SUDS measures, a service yard and a feature attenuation pond; Access from the public road (L7049) via the Ballykelly GAA Club Laneway; and Provision of all ancillary development work including drainage works, security , removal of vegetation, boundary and landscapes treatments.
To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Kildare Granted permission on 9th February 2022 take the free trial here.