Construction of a development at the sites of partially completed Blocks 1000 and 2000 as granted under parent permission P01-1066 and An Bord Pleanala Reference: PL03.130244, located at the Nort East of the existing Westpark Business Campus. Planning permission is sought for eight years. The development will consist of a revised block design incorporating 8,647 sqms of office space in Block 1000 and 5,738 sqms of office space in Block 2000 with an integrated amenity block located between Blocks 1000 and 2000 and extending to 3,972 sqms. A multi-deck car park with space for 914 cars is also proposed to link with Blocks 1000 and 2000. The development will utilise existing foundations along with established roads, drainage and landscaping. The amenity building will include a creche, restaurant and other ancillary uses and there will be an external play area.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Clare Started on 29th April 2015 take the free trial here.