Demolition of part of the south east wing and adjoining annex to the rear of the hospital, together with sections of the old boundary walls, and construction of (1) a new 25 bed care module with assisted ensuites, associated support and service facilities including a switch room & boiler room, (2) Conversion of existing ward area to ancillary and lounge day room accommodation together with the remodelling of the main entrance area to include a new external canopy. (3) Installation of a firewater storage tank5.2m diameter and 2.75m high and (4) a new internal only vehicular access road to provide access to the rear (South) with associated site works. The works will be completed with landscaping including the upgrading and extensions of the existing car parking facilities plus the upgrading of existing drainage to facilitate the separation of surface and foul water prior to discharge from site.
The works comprise, new twenty five bed extension; new day room, waiting area and entrance; refurbishment of existing areas between new twenty five bed care module and entrance area; together with associated site and infrastructure works. Works will be completed on a phased basis within a fully live community hospital facility, with no disruption to services allowable.
To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Cork Started on 13th June 2016 take the free trial here.