Strategic Housing Development
The proposed residential development consists of 203no. residential units in a mix of houses and apartment buildings ranging from 2 to 3 storeys overall comprising of: 109no. own door 2 storey terraced houses, consisting of; 88no. 3 bed 5 person houses (House Types A(L), A(R), A1(L), A1(R), A2(L), A2(R), A-Corner (L), A-Corner (R), D (L), D (R) and E); 16no. 4 bed 6 person houses (House Type B (L) and B (R)); 5no. 4 bed 7 person houses (House Types C (L), C (R) and F). 94no. apartment units accommodated in 4no. 3 storey buildings, consisting of; Block 1 accommodating 24no. units (21no. 2 bed and 3no. 3 bed units); Block 2 accommodating 24no. units (21no. 2 bed and 3no. 3 bed units); Block 3 accommodating 24no. units (21no. 2 bed and 3no. 3 bed units); Block 4 accommodating 22no. units (4no. 1 bed and 18no. 2 bed units). 1no. childcare facility (c. 380 sq m) and associated c.105 sq m amenity space is also proposed.
All associated and ancillary site development and infrastructural works, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works, including; Public open space (c. 5,760 sq m);
Private communal amenity open space (c. 784 sq m); Provision of internal road network, including new road carriageways, pedestrian and cycle facilities, public lighting and street lighting; Vehicular Access serving the proposed development is primarily via the existing access road off Enniskerry Road serving the Bishop’s Gate development; Provision of two no. new connections to the adjacent ‘Golden Ball’ development site, which in turn also connects to a separate new junction on the Enniskerry Road (currently under construction, permitted under Reg. Ref. D16A/0090 / ABP Ref. PL06D.246537, as amended), catering for pedestrian/cyclist movement only and pedestrian/cyclist/vehicle movements respectively between the two sites; 335no. car parking spaces (9no. childcare facility spaces, 218no house spaces, 94no. apartment spaces and 14no. visitor car parking spaces); 354no. cycle parking spaces
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2021-07-15 take the free trial here.