For construction of an industrial building and related infrastructure for the purpose of providing an additional refinement process of the solid recovered fuel (SRF) currently used and authorised as an alternative fuel source in the cement manufacturing process as permitted under planning permission ref. Ta/150677 & ta/800654. The development works shall consist of: (1) The construction of an industrial structure for the purpose of reception and refinement of the SRF materials; (2) Provision of associated external open yard area for vechicular access and delivery; (3) Extension of internal road network to facilitate vehicular access to the new building; (4) Conveyor feed belt from the proposed industrial building to the existing SRF building inclusive of modified elevation of the existing SRF building to facilitate the transfer of the refined SRF waste materials to the existing fuel supply chain; (5) All ancillary site development works including: (a) Bypass petrol interceptor, (b) Rainwater harvest system, (c) Bore-well water supply, (d) Underground fire water storage tank with pump and hydrant system, (e) Connection to existing storm and foul water systems, (f) Signage, (g) Perimeter fencing and landscaping. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application. The application relates to development which comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence (now replaced by an Industrial Emissions Licence).
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Meath Granted permission on 2016-09-22 take the free trial here.