A mixed use commercial building. The building will be 3 stories over basement on the existing vacant site located east of ulster bank and forming part of the overall deanstown house site & car park at main street, blanchardstown, dublin 15. D15 v3pn.

Uses of the building will be office and related uses to the first and second floors, retail use with 4 separate shops to the ground floor and a secure storage premises to the basement area. Development will consist of removal of the existing advertising signs on site and all existing boundary walls/ palisade fence, reconfiguration of existing car parking spaces to the rear car park with an increase from 26 to 37 car parking spaces, 10 no. New bicycle spaces to the rear car parking area, associated site development works/ hard landscaping/ boundary treatments/ waste disposal areas and services connections.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Applied for on 15th August 2018 take the free trial here.

East Of Ulster Bank

Plans Applied

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